How to Improve Your Email Open Rates

If your email open rates are down, consider these strategies to re-engage your audience: 

  1. A/B test the subject line. Personalized and shorter versions might perform better. Let's see what works best.
  2. If you have the option, consider adding a preview text. It's a great way to grab readers' attention and encourage them to click. (For example, HubSpot has this feature. Gmail and other email providers display it in the subject line.)
  3. Create targeted email flows based on customer segments and goals. Tailor the content.
  4. Highlight customer pain points or opportunities in the subject line.
  5. Avoid spamming; test different send times, days, and frequencies.
  6. Consider offering incentives or rewards in the subject line (if budget allows).
  7. Experiment with sender names. 



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